New to Cold Sores?
how to prevent cold sores

First off, don’t worry about it. Having recurrent cold sores is something that a lot of people have in common. In fact, according to the world health organization, an estimated two-thirds of the world population of people under the age of 50, are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1. And the good news is that with proper diet, exercise, and OTC meds and supplements, you can keep your cold sore outbreaks to a minimum, if not completely. was built to keep people informed of affordable OTC products that are aimed solely at preventing or at least keeping cold sore outbreaks to a bare minimum. has taken great care to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and current. The programmers of this website get cold sores and use the products that this website discusses. The companies mentioned on this site all have customers that confirm the success rate of the product. The key is to find the correct cold sore prevention treatment that works for you.

cold sore prevention medicine