Join Cold Sore Prevention
how to prevent cold sores

Founded in 2008, (CSP) is a large membership of users, service providers, and other entities that strive for finding the latest news regarding cold sores, specifically the HSV-1 virus.

Send us an email today with "I want to join" in the subject line and we'll keep you informed of breaking news regarding the HSV-1 virus.

Please leave us an email with any questions, comments, or suggestions. We'd love to hear your cold sore story and learn what you do to prevent cold sores. is a Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) news aggregate site. We keep you informed of the latest articles and research from trusted sources such as the World Health Organization, WEBmd, Healthfully, CenterWatch, MedicalNewsToday, Healthline, and more!

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