how to prevent cold sores

We all know that Lysine significantly reduces the duration, and sometimes even outbreak of cold sores. With that in mind, a new company has taken this key ingredient, and mixed it with several other immune-boosting vitamins, minerals, and other proprietary ingredients, that are having extremely promising results. In fact, CSP Labs interviewed over 200 people that used Lippease on a routine basis and every single respondent had nothing but positive results and feedback.

We reached out to the CEO of Lippease, Mike Mauldin, and much to our surprise, he was more than happy to speak with us about the new Lippease product. When asked why he decided to start a company that sells cold sore relief and prevention products, he simply stated, "because I get cold sores myself." He also added, "not only do I get cold sores, I get horrifically large cold sores and to be quite honest, it's embarrassing." He also told us the company slogan, "Made for people who get cold sores, by people who get cold sores." Mike further stated that while his original goal was not to produce a product that was for sale, once he experienced the overwhelmingly beneficial results, he had to share it with the rest of the world. Mike also stated that before he had formulated Lippease, that he had reoccurring outbreaks almost monthly. "If I didn't have a breakout once a month, I at least had them every other month and it was getting really old", he stated. But since taking Lippease Mike has stated that he has not had a single breakout because he keeps a bottle on hand with him everywhere he goes and as soon as he feels an outbreak about to occur, he starts taking Lippease.

And here's the part that's even better. We asked him what the formula was and he told us! He also gave us permission to tell you! So here it is, listed below. The ingredients for one of the best known over-the-counter products available today to help prevent cold sore breakouts.


L-lysine is an amino acid essential to building and repairing collagen in the skin. Repairing collagen is an excellent tool in preventing and treating cold sore breakouts. However, because the body cannot produce l-lysine, we must be diligent in providing it through diet or supplement. Luckily, LippEase has you covered.


Echinacea is an herb that comes from a flower and is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. Because it helps build up the body’s defenses, it is a great asset in cold sore prevention. Like many things on the LippEase ingredient list, it is also great for your overall health and well-being! Just an added benefit to using real, natural ingredients for cold sore prevention.

Red Algae

Like echinacea, red marine algae has a host of benefits that extend beyond cold sore prevention. It is an incredibly useful anti-viral plant that has shown effectiveness against herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores) and herpes zoster infections (shingles).


This herb from the mint plant family has been used for centuries for its cleansing properties. Popular as a medicinal herb, hyssop is beneficial for treating infections and preventing illnesses thanks to its antiseptic and antioxidant properties.


Chapparal is an herb with antioxidant properties. It’s a strong one at that! As such, it is really good at fighting infections and viruses. From the cold sore virus to the common cold virus, having a daily dose of chapparal is an extremely effective herb to have in your arsenal.

Vitamin C

We’ve mentioned Vitamin C a time or two! That’s because this vitamin is so crucial to our diets for keeping us healthy and happy. It’s not only good for fighting the cold sore virus and reducing breakout time, it’s an overall immune system-friendly vitamin. LippEase ensures you get plenty of it.

Vitamin B-12

Like L-lysine, Vitamin B-12 is incapable of being produced by humans. Because of its involvement with cell formation and amino acid formation, Vitamin B-12 directly works with L-lysine to repair an area affected by a cold sore. Truly a powerhouse duo if we’ve ever heard of one!


You’re probably very familiar with zinc, as it’s usually a cold-fighting combo in many over-the-counter remedies. Zinc is an effective mineral against cold sores, too! Doing its part to bolster your immune system, zinc keeps your body healthy and protected. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, which would be effective if you already have a cold sore.
And there you have it! 8 natural ingredients--8 of the most powerful, health-friendly ingredients to help you fight and prevent cold sores.

cold sore prevention medicine