how to prevent cold sores

Cold sores are fluid-filled ulcers that appear around the mouth and on the lips of those who suffer from them. Lasting several weeks or more, they cause pain and discomfort as well as emotional suffering and embarrassment due to their sore-like appearance.

The life-cycle of a cold sore can last for days or even weeks, causing pain and discomfort for the entire duration. Fortunately, with medical advances in technology and medicine, there are highly effective ways to shorten or even completely stop them from even showing up as a sore on the face of the person who contracts HSV-1 (cold sores). The single-most effective way to beat a cold sore from appearing is to attack it quickly as soon as the on-set is felt. The on-set usually manifests as a tingling, burning, itching sensation and this usually happens before the cold sore is visible. By keeping a supply of the right medications readily available, cold sores can be attacked and healed immediately.

How to Beat them in the Early Stages

In a perfect scenario, a cold sore can literally be stopped in its tracks before it even appears. Cold sores can't be avoided every single time, but they can be minimized quickly by treating them as soon as possible. The idea is to treat the cold sore in its most early stage, so that the size and duration of the sore can be so significantly reduced that the actual sore itself may never even appear at all. Research has indicated that the best over the counter product available today to help prevent a cold sore from appearing, is Lysine. Lysine is known to slow down the body’s production of arginine – an amino acid that promotes the spread of cold sores. In an independent research study by CSP LABS (Cold Sore Prevention, LLC.), it was found that the single best product available over the counter today that will prevent cold sores from appearing, is Lippease®. You can read that research study by clicking here. And you can check out the Lippease® website by clicking here.

Learn to recognize the signs of an oncoming cold sore

Most people who get cold sores report that they can feel one coming before it appears on their skin. So, people who have them should watch for signs that a cold sore may be developing. This is the best time to begin cold sore treatment. The on-set usually manifests as a tingling, burning, itching sensation and this usually happens before the cold sore is visible. Of everyone interviewed in the CSP Labs Study, "Top Cold Sore Treatments", every particpant acknowledged that they could feel the cold sore coming before it appeared on their skin. Being aware of and learning how to watch for the signs of an oncoming cold sore is really the number one preventative measure that one can take to deter the outbreak.

Learn to Identify Cold Sore Causes and Triggers

Getting a cold sore happens for different reasons with each individual. By learning how to identify what exactly causes an individual breakout, you are more prepared to deter the sore from appearing. Once someone has identified these causes or triggers, they are able to avoid them in the future. For example, some people that suffer from cold sores tend to have breakouts due to over exposure to the sun. By being aware of this, they can avoid the sun altogether or they can take the proper steps of wearing a hat, sunglasses, and using sunscreen to help minimize the risk of an outbreak. Here is a questionaire checklist to assist in preventing cold sore triggers:

Learning to identify the above factors are critical to developing an individualized plan to combat cold sore outbreaks. Clearly, the best way to stop a cold sore outbreak is to be aware of what triggers them and to have a medication on hand that can be taken immediately. The best thing that can be done to prevent the sore from appearing is to take the medication at the very moment that you feel the onset of a cold sore.

cold sore prevention medicine